BCHPCA Membership
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hospice Palliative Care?
As it is currently defined, the term hospice palliative care refers to the physical, emotional, social and spiritual care aimed at providing comfort and improving "quality of life for those persons who are living with or dying from advanced illness." Hospice palliative care is based on a commitment to the whole person.

In British Columbia, hospice palliative care is defined as the combination of active and compassionate therapies intended to comfort and support individuals and families who are living with a life-threatening illness. During periods of illness and bereavement, hospice palliative care may be combined with therapies aimed at reducing or curing illness, or it may be the total focus of care.

Hospice palliative care strives to meet, through patient-directed supportive interventions, the physical, social and spiritual needs of patients and families, with sensitivity to their personal, cultural and religious beliefs.

How do I find out what services are available?
Go to the section 'Our Members' and you will find a listing of the hospice palliative care services available in each region of the province.


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