Hospice Palliative Care Services in BC: Interior

100 Mile District Hospice Palliative Care Society

Mailing Address:
Bag 399
100 Mile House, BC
V0K 2E0

Tel: (250) 395-7680
Fax: (250) 395-7675

BCHPCA Components of Care

The Association is a non-profit society with a nine member board.  They operate as a combined policy/management board.  They oversee the work of a part-time Coordinator of the program.  One board member is elected by the volunteers and is a liaison between the board and the volunteers.  Funding is from community support, volunteer fundraising and government funding for a 10 hr. a week Coordinator.  The program has been operating for 11 years.  No formal partnerships exist but we work with other community agency when feasible.

Volunteer Program
Trained active volunteers - 32; direct service to patients and families - 28; non-client related work - 4
We offer training yearly with volunteer recognition events taking place 2 or 3 times a year

Home Program
Volunteers visit the home to offer support to the terminally ill and their families.  Volunteers offer respite to
families and emotional support.  No formal partnerships but we work with home nursing and home support.

Hospital Program
Volunteers with patients as requested by Coordinator.  The hospital has one room for Palliative Care.  A small kitchen and quiet room are across the hall.

Spiritual and Pastoral Care
No formal component exists.  We work with the hospital chaplain on the family’s choice of spiritual advisor.

Bereavement Program
Twice a year, a six week grief recovery program is offered; with a monthly drop-in group for people who have
taken the six-week program.  The community uses the office as a resource centre and the Coordinator as a listener.

Education and Professional Training
Volunteers receive 20 hours of basic training and attend workshops and conferences regularly
Public awareness through the Fall Fair, Memory Tree and presentation to local organizations

Evaluation and Research
Yearly data collection of information for BCHPCA.

Organization Mission Statement
The Hospice concept of care is a re-awakening of society to our mortality, where patient and family can own this time of their lives.

Hospice provides active and compassionate care of a patient and family at a time when the goals of cure and prolongation of life are no longer paramount.

Hospice care is provided by a multidisciplinary team of professionals and volunteers who co-ordinate their services and promote community sensitivity to palliative care.

Hospice care offers consistent physical, spiritual, psychological and social support to maintain individuality while facing death and bereavement.

Other relevant information
Our pressure reduction mattress is available for home use as well as hospital.

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British Columbia Hospice Palliative Care Association
Room 502 - Comox Building
1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6Z 1Y6
Tel : 604.806.8821 " Fax : 604.806.8822 " Toll Free : 1.877.422.4722
Email : [email protected] " Web: www.hospicebc.org