Hospice Palliative Care Services in BC: Fraser

Surrey Hospice Society

Mailing Address:
13857 68th Avenue
Surrey, BC
V3W 2G9

Tel: (604) 543-7006
Fax: (604) 543-7008

BCHPCA Components of Care

The Society has been a registered non-profit charitable society since 1987.  It operates with a fourteen member policy/management board.  The Board meets monthly and has an executive and standing committees: Fundraising, Public Relations, Program/Education liaison.  Surrey Hospice has also two part-time staff -- an office coordinator and coordinator for Volunteers.

Volunteer Program
Volunteers provide 1:1 support to hospice clients in the community and volunteers assist regularly on the Palliatiative Care Unit at Surrey Memorial Hospital.  Volunteers also provide bereavement support to adults, youth and children both 1:1 and in a group setting.  Surrey Hospice has 47 volunteers in client program and 5 volunteers who assist with public relations, office support and fundraising.

Home Program
Hospice volunteers visit in the homes of clients and work as a part of the palliative care team in Surrey which also includes Home Care Nursing and Home Support.

Hospital Program
Surrey Memorial Hospital has a 10 bed palliative care unit.  Surrey Hospice volunteers visit (2 volunteers per day 7 days per week (some vacancies) on the unit.  Coordinator of Volunteers attends palliative care rounds for the hospital (other wards as well as PCU) and identifies clients who might benefit from volunteer support.  Support is offered through presentation of the hospice pamphlet through the physician.

Spiritual and Pastoral Care
There is a chaplain on the Palliative Care team at Surrey Memorial Hospital.  There are also volunteer chaplains.

Symptom Management
There is a Palliative Care team in Surrey.  The pharmacist, social worker, home care nursing coordinator, chaplain, occupational therapist, coordinator of volunteers, and hospital nurse attend palliative care rounds on the unit weekly.  The Palliative Care committee for Surrey meets every three months.  Surrey Hospice is a member of the team.  It provides the volunteer component.

Bereavement Program
Surrey Hospice provides bereavement support to adults, youth and children.  One-to-one support is provided by telephone.  Surrey offers 4 adult 4 week grief recovery workshops per year.  A seven week children’s grief program is offered twice a year.  A 5-week teen group is offered twice yearly.  Surrey Hospice also refers to Arbor Care at Surrey Avalon Funeral Home and to a drop-in bereavement group at Surrey Memorial Hospital.  A one evening session on coping with the Holidays is offered in November.  Surrey Hospice has a ‘Celebrate a Life” memorial tree for two weekends in December manned by trained volunteers who assist grieving people at a difficult time of the year.

Education and Professional Training
A 22 hour volunteer education program is offered twice a year.  All prospective volunteers interested in assisting with client programs must complete this first.  Guest speakers and panels are offered at support meetings at least three times per year.  A book and video library is available for volunteers and the public.  Volunteers may apply for funding to attend relevant conferences and workshops.  Volunteers are encouraged to attend a free teleconference on grief offered each March by SCI funeral homes.

Evaluation and Research
Statistics are maintained regarding volunteer hours and number of clients.  Volunteer evaluations/interviews are conducted every second year.

Other relevant information
Surrey Hospice is funded by corporate donations, private donations and through grants applied for on an annual basis.  Funding is always an issue.  The Society works at increasing public awareness with brochures, use of local television and newspapers and by attending Health Fairs and Public Education sessions.

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British Columbia Hospice Palliative Care Association
Room 502 - Comox Building
1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6Z 1Y6
Tel : 604.806.8821 " Fax : 604.806.8822 " Toll Free : 1.877.422.4722
Email : [email protected] " Web: www.hospicebc.org