Hospice Palliative Care Services in BC: Vancouver Coastal

Canuck Place Children's Hospice

Mailing Address:
1690 Matthews Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V6J 2T2

Tel: (604) 731-4847
Fax: (604) 739-4376


BCHPCA Components of Care

Non-profit society
14% government funding for physician fees
86% private and corporate funding

Volunteer Program 
One full-time staff Volunteer Coordinator
Over 300 volunteers with variety of tasks e.g., office reception, family volunteers, practical support volunteers, bereavement volunteers, special event volunteers, arts club volunteers, special activities at Canuck Place volunteers, garden crew volunteers, and Speakers’ Bureau volunteers.

Home Program 
Home program is not provided at this time except for bereavement follow-up on regular basis up to three years, at discretion of families - phone calls, letters, flowers, food hampers.

Hospital Program 
Clinical staff liaise with BC’s Children’s Hospital to provide continuity of care.

Freestanding Hospice 
Respite, palliative and bereavement services.  Eight beds and grief support groups for parents, teens and children 6-12 years old.  Admission:  Children with progressive life threatening illness and their families - from birth to 17 years.

Spiritual and Pastoral Care 
Part-time Chaplain on staff.  Volunteers carefully screened to help provide spiritual as well as physical and emotional support to children and families.

Symptom Management 
Part time Physiotherapist, physicians, part time Social Worker, R.N.’s, school teacher.

Bereavement Program 
Bi-weekly - Groups for parents, teens, children 6-12 years (lost a sibling/lost a parent)
Volunteer facilitators work with hospice staff in these groups.

Education and Professional Training
Publications: “Finding Your Way, Grieving the Death of Your Child” - costs $ 9.75.

Monthly Open House for health care  professionals and students on the last Wednesday of the month by appointment as space is limited to 14 people - call to reserve.

Speaker’s Bureau, volunteers.

Evaluation and Research
“Family Voices” research project underway.

Organization Mission Statement 
The mission of Canuck Place Hospice Care Program is to optimize the quality of life for British Columbia children who are in the terminal phase of progressive, life threatening illness, and their families.  In cooperation with our many partners, this includes a commitment to provide palliative, respite, and bereavement care through centre-based care and community outreach.

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British Columbia Hospice Palliative Care Association
Room 502 - Comox Building
1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6Z 1Y6
Tel : 604.806.8821 " Fax : 604.806.8822 " Toll Free : 1.877.422.4722
Email : [email protected] " Web: www.hospicebc.org