BC Hospice Palliative Care Association
2005 Annual Conference


May 13-15, 2005
Vancouver Airport Conference Resort, Richmond, BC

Many Voices, One Vision reflects the wide diversity of voices that join together to form the vision of
quality end of life care for people and their families.

This year we hope Many Voices, One Vision will encourage you to both speak and listen to the
diversity community, cultural, ideological, and philosophical that characterizes hospice palliative care in our province and beyond.

We want to explore the richness that this variety of approaches and perspectives provides us. But also, we want to hear the stories of how these many voices have come together to create a unified vision partnerships, coalitions, and day-to-day team building.

Think about the work you do with hospice palliative care teams you work with, how you nourish and strengthen one another; research that brings new ideas; programs that expand our reach into communities; visions and practices that include many. Our purpose is always to encourage dialogue to bring together the brightest and most creative energies and present that rich mix to you.

Our opening keynote speaker will be Dr. Terry Tafoya, a Taos Pueblo and Warm Springs Indian who is trained as a traditional Native American Storyteller.
Share your stories with us. We have Many Voices, One Vision.



Conference Streams - The conference program committee invites abstracts for workshop and poster presentations. Preference will be given to submissions relating to the overall conference theme and within the following specialty streams:

Leadership and Program Development (communication, organizational development,governance, etc.)
Healing Therapies
Issues, Trends and Barriers in HPC
Meeting the Challenge of Symptom Management
Psychosocial and Bereavement
Research and Evaluation
lessons in Caring for the Dying
Building Awareness and Capacity (lobbying, fundraising, media relations)
Volunteer Education and Support

The deadline for submission of abstracts is Friday, December 17, 2004.

Criteria for abstract - The program for this conference will be comprised of oral presentations, poster
presentations, workshops, and roundtable sessions. Note that workshops will be 90 minutes in duration;
roundtables will be 120 minutes in length; oral presentations will be 30 minutes in total (20 minutes
for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion period). The following information must be provided:
" Principal presenters name and agency, mailing address, home and work telephone numbers,
e-mail address
" Co-presenters name and agency
" Brief bio of all presenters - 50 words or less
" Title of proposed presentation
" Format of proposed presentation:
" oral presentation (20 minute presentation followed by a 10 minute discussion period)
" poster presentations (poster sizes to be confirmed)
" workshop (participatory - 90 minutes in duration)
" roundtable sessions (opportunity for delegates with specific interests to meet and discuss
their areas of interest, 120 minutes in duration; abstract submitter acts as a facilitator)
" Summary (maximum of 250 words) of the proposed presentation, outlining:
" goals of the presentation
" learning opportunities;
" target audience and expertise level (novice, intermediate, expert)
" Room set-up and equipment requirement (overhead, slide, power point, flipcharts, microphone)
and maximum number of session participants, if applicable.
" Executive Summary for inclusion in the conference brochure - 25 words or less
Submissions must be in an electronic format - Word or WordPerfect - 12 point font only


Selection Criteria - All abstracts will be subjected to a peer review. The final decision about acceptance of specific submissions will be made by the program committee. Successful applicants will be notified by February 13, 2005.

The following criteria will be used in evaluating the abstracts:
" Relevance to the conference theme
" Clarity of content and presentation methods
" Connection to innovative ideas and practices in end-of-life care
" Potential for practical application
" Completeness of abstract

Registrationfee and Travel Expenses - Oral presenters and poster presenters are entitled to $50 off
the conference registration fee (limited to one presenter from each presentation). Workshop and
roundtable presenters are entitled to a 50% reduction in the conference fee (limited to one presenter
from each presentation). All presenters are responsible for their own travel expenses and hotel accommodations.

Contact Information - For more information, please contact:
Executive Director at
tel: 604-806-8821; toll free 1-877-422-4722;
fax: 604-806-8822;


British Columbia Hospice Palliative Care Association
Room 502 - Comox Building
1081 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6Z 1Y6
(tel) 604-806-8821
(toll-free) 1-877-422-4722
(fax) 604-806-8822
