A Field Book for Hospice Palliative Care Services
developed and produced by the British Columbia
Hospice Palliative Care Association, May 1997

THE CARING COMMUNITY Book coverThis Fieldbook is an excellent and comprehensive resource manual for anyone directly involved in any aspect of Palliative Care, including related disiplines. The Fieldbook can be read in its entirety, or selectively for specific reference through use of the detailed Table of Contents and Index Listings. In preparing this Manual, under contract to the B.C. Hospice Palliative Care Association. authors Jerry and Miriam Rothstein, drew extensively on their own knowledge and experience and also that gratiously provided by palliative care practitioners and organizations in Britsh Columbia, across Canada, and in the U.S.A.

This Fieldbook provides practical hep and guidance to anyone; to beginning volunteers and to those highly experienced, to volunteer Boards, to volunteer and professional managers, and to professional caregivers. This book includes a visionary statement; a condensations of Standards of Practice from the Canadian Palliative Care Association; descriptions of volunteer roles; examples of successful programs; and sample planning guides, checklists, worksheets, assessment forms, patient surveys and volunteer training guidelines. A variety of table charts and models provide easy and helpful references.

The Fieldbook describes how visions and standards can shape program development; how to translate vision into concrete experience; how to change a collection of services into a program of care; and how to develope, maintain and improve existing programs. Examples of potential roadblocks and problems together with how to over come them provide useful managment tips to anyone from the small start-up group to the highly developed programs.

Copies may be purchased for $55.00 each (tax included) plus $5.00 for mailing costs by sending request with cheque for $60.00 made out to BCHPCA

Click here to download the order form

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